Php Download File Via Ssh Port


  1. Download File Via Ssh Terminal
  2. Upload Files Ssh

Make SSH Connections With PHP. So you may want to check and download the latest stable version. PHP can send files over ssh! PHP, MySQL and SSH Tunneling (Port Forwarding) Welcome to another exciting edition of “way-too-detailed explanations of obscure data-related topics.” I’m your host, Robert J. Moore, and today we’ll be exploring the exciting world of SSH Tunneling with MySQL and PHP. Establish a connection to a remote SSH server. Once connected, the client should verify the server's hostkey using ssh2_fingerprint(), then authenticate using either password. Secure file transfer within SSH is accomplished by two primary commands: scp and sftp, secure versions of the copy and file transfer commands. SSH To begin an SSH session, open a terminal.

SSH is the most secure protocol for accessing servers these days. It provides the highest level of data communication security. The SCP (Secure Copy) command uses the SSH protocol for copying files between remote and local servers.

Download file using SSH


This will connect to server with user “username” and copy the /backup/ file to local system directory /local/dir. To use theis command replace the values as per your environment.

Download File Via Ssh Terminal

In case SSH is running on different port, You can simply specify the port using -P option with SCP command.

Upload Files Ssh

If your remote server required the private key to connect server, You can use -i followed by private key file path to connect your server using the SCP command. This can be helpful for AWS servers.

Upload file using SSH

You can also upload files to the remote server using SSH protocol using SCP command. Use the following example command for uploading files to SSH server.