Installing Php5 On Apache 2.2


If you plan to use one of the Apache 2 or 2.2 web servers on Windows XP, see the tutorial How to Install and Configure Apache 2 on Windows instead. If you are using Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista, please read How to Install Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista. How to Install Apache 2.2.x and PHP 5.3.x on CentOS 5 This guide assumes you have a minimal CentOS installation and are not planning on running a control panel such as cPanel, which installs the Apache webserver for you. Easily install an Apache Web server with PHP and a MySQL database server with data WAMP 2.2. Installing PHP 5.2 and configure Apache 2.2 on Windows & Linux Posted on September 13, 2012 by admin Over the years it has been times when i have to reinstall PHP to configure with Apache.

Configuring Apache 2.2.8
  1. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP ) Stack is the most popular environment in PHP website development and hosting. Linux is the operating system, Apache is the popular web server developed by Apache Foundation.
  2. How to Install Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista. If you prefer to install a package that bundles a pre-configured and integrated version of Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl.
  • Now that you have successfully installed both Apache Webserver and php scripting language your next most important task is to configure them so that they can recognize each other.
  • Go to your apache installation path, and then open httpd.conf which is located under the conf directory “C:Program Filesapacheconf” double click on httpd.conf file. Find (ctrl+F) 'loadmodule'. After the last line of the loadmodule section type: LoadModule php5_module C:/Program Files/php/php5apache2_2.dll
  • After you have done look for <IfModule mime_module> and then add the following lines
    • AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    • AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  • Before the closing statement </IfModule> for mime_module
  • After that on the same page find <IfModule dir_module> and then add DirectoryIndex index.html and index.php before </IfModule> if it already does not exists.
  • Add the following line “PHPIniDir “C:/Program Files/php” to the bottom of the file.
  • After you have done that save the file and close it.
Installing Php5 On Apache 2.2
Active4 years, 9 months ago

I'm setting up an development environment on a Windows 8.1 machine.

I successfully installed Apache 2.2, and downloaded php-5.6.3-Win32-VC11-x86.

I added the following lines at the end of httpd.conf

I also added

to the myme.types file

If I comment out PHPIniDir or LoadModule apache will start normally.

Also, all extensions are commented out on the PHP.ini file, and the extension directory is set as

Any help will be hugely appreciated.

EDIT 1:The only thing in error log is about server shutdow


1 Answer

Check your apache log file for errors! see what the

Installing Php5 On Apache 2.2 Windows 7

You mention apache 2.2, yet you are using a dll called php5apache2_4.dll.This dll is according to the name specifically build for apache 2.4. This is likely to cause issues, the last php version which has a dll for apache 2.2 for windows on the php website is php 5.4.35.

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