Admin Panel In Php Mysql


I try my best to provide you more free web projects with source code. And in this article we are creating create website with admin panel in PHP MySQL. Create Login Admin & Logout Page in PHP w/ SESSION n MySQL. Swashata May 3, 2010 112. The main file for holding the information related to the admin MySQL table. PHP User Level / Admin panel. Ask Question. Up vote-1 down vote favorite. I'm working for a code that differentiated between Members and Admins but when I login he just know me as an Admin. I appreciated every help I can get! Share| improve this question. Edited Oct 28 '15 at 9:06.

  1. Admin Panel In Php Mysql Demo
  2. Simple Admin Panel In Php Mysql

AjaxNewsTicker is a PHP & MySQL application that allows you to put news tickers on your webpage with a single line of code. Just paste a line of code on your webpage and now you have a news ticker on it! How To Create PHP Admin Panel (Bangla tutorial). Download Mordana Template: Download Link: Jan 08, 2016  How To Create PHP Admin Panel (Bangla tutorial). Download Mordana Template: Download Link: Technology Powering The Web. Create Login Admin & Logout Page in PHP w/ SESSION n MySQL. Swashata May 3, 2010 112. For information do check the MySQL posts. Admin.php: For administrative functions. It will redirect to login.php if not authorized already; login.php.

Active4 months ago

First off, if this question is duplicated, please let me know, as I am unsure as to how to search this particular question.

I am attempting to create an admin panel of sorts that allows the user (with admin permissions) access to delete, modify, or add a record into a MySQL database.

Currently, I have a php page with some basic html displaying the data from my database in a table. I then want to have an option next to each row to delete or modify the row with a sql statement (such as insert, delete, update etc).

Right now, I am having an issue where the variables that are passed to the form-specified page (deleteRecord) is the same no matter which row I chose. How can I fix this?

Here is my relevant code:

SQL connect with table:

And here is the page the delete button will go to (and in the future, send the sql statement that will actually delete the requested row):


1 Answer

1) Type Button

Change Line


2) Anchor Tag

Change Line


Include Jquery and define Function

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Admin Panel In Php Mysql Demo

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